Friday 8 February 2008

Free iPod Adverts, Legit?

I can safely say...Yep! Everyone has seen them, the banner at the side of your screen going beserk telling you to "squash 6 spiders with your foot" to win a free ipod! Well, I finally took it upon myself to find out once and for all if this was legit when I saw a similar advert telling me to 'Click Here for a FREE Xbox 360'.
Reading a little more about it, I discovered that you are able to receive these free gifts because of affiliate marketing. Basically, its the method of a company increasing its customer count by rewarding current customers to attract more customers to the company (that was a mouthfull).
Listening to the continuous remarks of 'it's a scam!', 'your wasting your time!' or 'do you really think their going to give it to you for free!?'. I continued on my quest to find out if it was legitamite, which now I can say, resulted in me receiving a FREE XBOX 360! During the time of rubbing it in everyone who laughed faces, I took a picture of it as proof before using it. Since then I have received many other tech gadgets for free, click the link to see a picture of each:

Whilst others are forking out hundreds of £££'s for the latest tech gadgets, I am fuelling my passion for them completely FREE ;)!

If interested

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